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Through all our artistic projects, we seek to inspire communities, emphasizing universal values such as peace, unity, discipline, ethics, initiative, leadership, creativity, curiosity, respect and ingenuity.

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One of our missions:incorporate ecologyinto the school curriculum

We work with local youth to encourage the expression and development of their innovative ideas, creativity and entrepreneurial spirit.
Inspired by African philosophy, we aim for positive change towards a professional and environmentally friendly Africa.

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Preserveancient traditionssuch as pottery

Our Vision...

We are responding to an urgent need: that of training new talents in Africa.
By developing adapted creative programs, we contribute to the preservation of cultural heritage and the emergence of a new generation of artists.
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"Aware of the inequalities and poverty that affect many young Africans, we are committed to providing them with tools to express themselves, discover their talents and build a better future. By supporting a diversity of artistic disciplines, we enable them through our workshops to develop their creativity and self-confidence, while contributing to the promotion of local crafts and the economic development of our communities."

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At the C.I.A.A.C,"Art is the engine of a better world.Together, let's create value to transform lives"

Contact us

+229 01 91 63 36 02 + 229 01 40 52 70 89

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